If you're going to be welcoming a puppy into your home in the near future, you're undoubtedly looking forward to spending many happy years with your furry friend. However, if this is your first time welcoming a canine companion into your home, you may not be aware of some of the finer points of raising a puppy so that it turns out to be a good, well-adjusted dog. You may already know that socialization is a really important part of the puppy-rearing process and that your puppy will become attached to you very quickly. However, the flip side of this is something called separation anxiety, which occurs in most dogs to at least some extent. 

Separation anxiety causes whining, barking, howling, and chewing, which may result in your returning home to angry neighbors or the sight of your favorite shoes in tatters on the floor. Fortunately, there are ways that you can keep separation anxiety to a minimum. Following are three of them. 

1. Practice Leaving Your Puppy Alone for Small Periods of Time  

If it all possible, introduce your new puppy to your home during a time when you've got a few days off work, such as a long weekend. This provides the opportunity to get it somewhat accustomed to be left alone before you need to leave it by itself for a full day when you go to work. If possible, arrange for other household members to spend time with the puppy when you aren't there.

Also, make sure it has ample food, water, a soft place to sleep, and a place to relieve itself when it's left alone. 

2. Don't Make a Big Deal of Saying Goodbye 

Making a big production out of saying goodbye to your pet when it's time to go to work only conveys the message that your leaving is a big deal. You don't want to condition your dog to feel that your leaving is a reason to get excited or upset. Taking your puppy for a walk before you leave for the day also helps put it into sleep mode, making it easier for you to slip out the door unnoticed. 

3. Invest in Some Antler Chews

Even puppies that don't experience a great deal of separation anxiety may nonetheless chew things up when left alone, especially when they're teething. Leaving some antler dog chews behind gives them something to focus on rather than your shoes, furniture, or other objects. Antler chews help dispel excess energy, help keep teeth clean, and as an added bonus, they're high in calcium, which your puppy needs to develop healthy bones. 
